Notebooks and Slippers
Child Savings Bank The children are given a small account book and encouraged to save with the support of their parents. In the last 2 years, 161 kids have saved over 50,000 Rupees, nearly $1100 US Dollars. They are allowed to withdraw money only with a note from a parent. None of these kids parents have any saving account, but their children are able to benefit from this valuable concept. We are also running a Mahila Bank, with over 120 accounts that are maintained for under privileged women. These sort of small savings give them an increases sense of security and independence. |
HELP Nava Wadaj area is very busy area and lot of vehicles make to and fro which sometimes becomes dangerous for the kids crossing the roads. Kids going or leaving the school get scared while crossing the road. In order to help these kids young boys of Manav Sadhna help them by using road signals. They see that the kids cross the road without any fear. |
Care Manav Sadhna also arranges a yearly tour for the elderly to both religious and historical places. Recently, two 56 seat luxury coaches were hired to accommodate the elderly folk. Vocational Training |